TTBL Sport GmbH imposes ban and contractual penalty on Truls Moregardh

TTBL Sport GmbH imposes ban and contractual penalty on Truls Moregardh

The TTBL Sport GmbH responsible for the Table Tennis Bundesliga (TTBL) fines Truls Moregardh (TTC Neu-Ulm) (hereinafter "Player") with a ban for ten matches in the 2023/24 season and a contractual penalty in the amount of 10,000 euros due to a deliberate violation of the licensing regulations.

On January 31, 2023, the Player appeared in the match of the Swedish Team Championship for the club Eslöv AI BTK against Sparvägens BTK, although he had committed himself for the Table Tennis Bundesliga season 2022/2023 as a player of TTC Neu-Ulm "not to hold, apply for and/or claim any other player's permit or authorization to play for another club or team in Germany and/or abroad" for the duration of the license.

A proper transfer to a club in Germany or abroad for the second half of the 2022/23 season would have been possible if the application had been submitted in due time on January 1, 2023. Such an application had not been made. The player still competed for TTC Neu-Ulm in the Final Four of the German Table Tennis Cup on January 8. Thereupon, the player had requested in writing to the TTBL Sport GmbH to revoke the license agreement in order to be able to join another club outside the transfer period. This had been refused by the TTBL Sport GmbH with reference to the valid regulations and reference to possible sanctions in case of contravention. By playing for the Swedish club Eslöv AI BTK as mentioned above, the player has intentionally violated his obligations under the license agreement.

As a result of this breach, TTBL Sport GmbH imposes a contractual penalty in the amount of 10,000 euros and suspends the player for ten matches within the jurisdiction of TTBL Sport GmbH in the 2023/24 season. The player has the option to appeal to the Permanent Arbitration Tribunal for Licensed Players with regard to these contractual penalties.