TTBL returns from summer break with record attendance

TTBL returns from summer break with record attendance

The German Table Tennis League (TTBL) made an impressive return from its summer break with its new media partner. For the first time, all TTBL matches were shown live on Twitch on the Spontent channels, setting new viewer records right at the start.

Exactly 78 days after the thrilling Liebherr TTBL final between Borussia Düsseldorf and 1. FC Saarbrücken TT, the Table Tennis Bundesliga (TTBL) started into the 2022/23 season. A big innovation this season: From now on, all matches will be broadcast on Twitch on the Spontent channels. This includes a completely new concept: More cameras as well as two commentators including a commentary camera and the possibility to interact via chat function provide for a completely new appearance, which has been received very positively by the fans - this is shown by numerous positive feedbacks and also by the access figures.

Around 50,000 live views were recorded for the TTBL matches on the first match day. Compared to the season opener of the previous year, this makes an increase of 470% and at the same time represents a viewer record for a TTBL match day. The response from the table tennis community was also predominantly positive. Around 1,000 users took advantage of the newly introduced chat function, and as a result more than 5,000 questions, remarks and comments were collected, which were taken up by the commentary teams and thus led to a real exchange.

Stehle: "The right step at the right time".

"I am very pleased that such successes have already been achieved on the very first match day and that the spectator record has been broken. The fact that there were still minor technical problems here and there at the start is completely normal. Together with Spontent and the clubs, we are working on offering an even better table tennis experience on the second match day," said Nico Stehle, Managing Director of Tischtennis Bundesliga GmbH. "The positive development of the spectator numbers shows that the partnership with S Nation and with Spontent was exactly the right step at the right time."

Spontent's Managing Director, Alexander Walkenhorst, was also highly pleased with the successful launch: "I'm delighted that table tennis has got off to such a positive start on our channel and that our existing community has welcomed the many table tennis fans so positively on our channel."