Mühlhausen wins in hard-fought game against Neu-Ulm

Mühlhausen wins in hard-fought game against Neu-Ulm

The two teams did not have much to give each other this evening at Post SV Mühlhausen. In the end, it was the doubles that tipped the scales: Post SV Mühlhausen won 3:2 against TTC Neu-Ulm on the 13th matchday of the Tischtennis-Bundesliga (TTBL).

For Post SV it was directly the second match in this intensity this year. Last Friday, the team around Ovidiu Ionescu, Daniel Habesohn and Steffen Mengel had fought their way to a narrow 3:2 victory against Grünwettersbach. The match-winner there had already been the double Mengel/Ionescu. The Mühlhausen team did not enter the final match in this pairing this week, instead Ionescu and Taehyun Kim stepped up to the table together.

That it could be a long evening in Mulhouse was already indicated in the first singles match. Steffen Mengel fell behind 0:2 against Lev Katsman from Neu-Ulm, then he won all three sets 11:6. His colleagues Daniel Habesohn and Ovidiu Ionescu had to play similarly difficult duels. Habesohn lost 3:1 against Vladimir Sidorenko, Ovidiu Ionescu had to admit defeat to Maksim Grebnev with 2:3.

Ionescu loses, Mengel wins

Ionescu had started the match well, winning the first set 11:7, but then fell two sets behind. In the end Grebnev was stronger. At 2-1 for Neu-Ulm, it was Steffen Mengel's turn again, he defeated Sidorenko 3-1.

The final double of the match was Ionescu/Taehyun against Katsman/Grebnev. Again, the pattern showed: first set for Mulhouse, the next two sets for Neu-Ulm. Then in the fourth set the turning point: 10:11 for Katsman/Grebnev, then 13:11 for Ionescu/Taehyun. The team from Mühlhausen did not let the victory be taken away from them, they won the fifth set with 11:7.

The next match for Mühlhausen will be against Saarbrücken on January 29, Neu-Ulm will host TTC RhönSprudel Fulda-Maberzell. January 22. All matches will be broadcast live by Spontent on Twitch.

The 13th matchday in overview

Post SV Mühlhausen – TTC Neu-Ulm 3:2                                                   Steffen Mengel – Lav Katsman 3:2 (9:11, 11:13, 11:6, 11:6, 11:6)                          Daniel Habesohn – Vladimir Sidorenko 1:3 (6:11, 8:11, 11:4, 1:11)                      Ovidiu Ionescu – Maksim Grebnev 2:3 (11:7, 6:11, 7:11, 11:4, 9:11)                    Steffen Mengel – Vladimir Sidorenko 3:1 (9:11, 13:11, 11:8, 12:10)                     Ovidiu Ionescu/Taehyun Kim – Lav Katsman/Maksim Grebnev 3:2 (11:3, 6:11, 7:11, 13:11, 11:7)

TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen – TTC Zugbrücke Grenzau 3:0                   Can Akkuzu – Samuel Walker 3:0 (11:7, 11:5, 11:4)                                               Samuel Kulczycki – Patrick Baum 3:2 (11:9, 9:11, 11:9, 11:13, 13:11)                   Alvaro Robles – Nils Hohmeier 3:0 (11:6, 11:2, 11:9)

ASV Grünwettersbach – 1. FSV Mainz 05 3:0                                                   Xi Wang – Carlo Rossi 3:0 (11:5, 11:7, 11:8)                                                               Tiago Apolonia – Andrei Putuntica 3:1 (11:9, 11:5, 6:11, 11:6)                            Ricardo Walther – Luka Mladenovic 3:0 (11:8, 11:7, 11:4)