Matchday 6: Fulda still has to wait for its first win of the season

Matchday 6: Fulda still has to wait for its first win of the season

TTC Rhönsprudel Fulda-Maberzell also failed to pick up any points against Bergneustadt. As a result, the red lantern remains with the team from Hesse, while Bergneustadt makes a small leap up the table.

TTC Rhönsprudel Fulda-Maberzell wanted to take points from Bergneustadt today with an unusual line-up. Ruwen Filus played - contrary to expectations - at position three. This also came as a surprise to Romain Ruiz (TTC Schwalbe Bergneustadt): "I actually thought at first that I would have to play against Filus, but he played at position three. I like playing against defensive players."

Two clear Bergneustadt victories at the start

The home side clearly had the better start to the match. The first two singles (Duda won over Poret, Ruiz over Meng) went to Bergneustadt without losing a set. Fulda's defensive specialist Filus was unhappy with this after the match: "The first two games simply went too quickly."

Filus takes the point of honor

Ruwen Filus did better than his teammates. The pimples player won his match against Adrien Rassenfosse 3:0. He struggled in the first two sets but won the third comfortably (11:3). It was now up to Fanbo Meng to take Fulda into the final double. On paper, Duda's 3:0 win over Meng looks clear-cut, but the sets were all highly competitive and close (12:10, 11:9, 16:14).

Comments on the match:

Ruwen Filus (TTC Rhönsprudel Fulda-Maberzell): "We came here to take the points back to Fulda. But we also knew that it would be very difficult when Ruiz is in the team, as we still can't play our full team. We wanted to try and at least get into the doubles. That didn't work out. The first two games simply went away too quickly. The last match was high-class, there were some good rallies. All three sets were very close. There was more in it. The defeat is there, of course we are very disappointed. We'll do everything we can to get the points in the next match."

Romain Ruiz (TTC Schwalbe Bergneustadt): "It's nice to be back. I was laid up for two weeks. I'm happy that I was able to win my match with only four or five training sessions. It was a good performance. I actually thought at first that I would have to play against Filus, but he was playing at number three. I like playing against defensive players. But I also felt comfortable against Fanbo Meng, I trained a lot with him in Düsseldorf."

Overview of matchday 6

ASV Grünwettersbach – 1. FSV Mainz 05 3:2
Tiago Apolonia – Luka Mladenovic 3:1 (9:11, 11:4, 11:4, 11:7)
Deni Kozul – Yongyin Li 2:3 (10:12, 11:8, 9:11, 11:7, 7:11)
Ricardo Walther – Rares Sipos 3:0 (11:4, 11:3, 11:8)
Tiago Apolonia – Yongyin Li 1:3 (11:8, 10:12, 6:11, 9:11)
Kozul/Walther – Sipos/Rossi 3:1 (11:5, 9:11, 11:6, 11:8)

TTC Schwalbe Bergneustadt – TTC RhönSprudel Fulda-Maberzell 3:1
Benedikt Duda – Thibault Poret 3:0 (11:8, 11:3, 11:8)
Romain Ruiz – Fanbo Meng 3:0 (11:8, 11:8, 11:8)
Adrien Rassenfosse – Ruwen Filus 0:3 (10:12, 8:11, 3:11)
Benedikt Duda – Fanbo Meng 3:0 (12:10, 11:9, 16:14)

Sonntag, 8. Oktober
13 Uhr: TSV Bad Königshofen – TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen
16 Uhr: Post SV Mühlhausen – Borussia Düsseldorf

Montag, 9. Oktober
19 Uhr: TTC Zugbrücke Grenzau – SV Werder Bremen

All TTBL matches are broadcast live on Dyn.

Featured Image above: Benedikt Duda, TTC Schwalbe Bergneustadt (Photo: Sven Kubeile).
Text: Philipp Wohlfart