Liebherr Final Four 2023 : "Welcome table tennis home

The anticipation for the Liebherr Final Four 2023 is growing. A little more than four weeks before the cup finals on January 8 (Sunday) in the ratiopharmArena in Ulm/Neu-Ulm, hosts, participants and also the organizers of the Table Tennis Bundesliga (TTBL) looked forward with excitement to the first highlight of the national season at a media event in the twin city.
In table tennis Germany the cup fever is rising. With just over four weeks to go before the Liebherr Final Four 2023 of the Tischtennis Bundesliga (TTBL) on January 8 (Sunday) in the ratiopharmArena Ulm/Neu-Ulm, the city leaders of the two hosts as well as high-profile representatives of tournament participants got in the mood for the first major highlight of the national season - and made no secret of their anticipation of the top event.
Looking forward to "a piece of normality".
"It is, after all, already a traditional event," said Ulm's mayor Gunter Czisch, adding for the eighth Cup final in a row on the Danube, alluding to a soccer anthem: "We welcome table tennis home."
His Neu-Ulm colleague Katrin Albsteiger emphasized the importance of the return of spectators and fans to the stands after two years without visitors: "After all, sport thrives on celebrating successes with others in a rousing atmosphere. That's why we're very grateful to be able to enjoy a bit of normality again at this tournament."
On the other hand, the enormous quality of the field of participants must be considered extraordinary. Cup defending champion 1. FC Saarbrücken, last year's finalist and champion Borussia Düsseldorf, the long-time top dog TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen and the local TTC Neu-Ulm currently form not only the top quartet of the TTBL, but also bring four aces from the Top 10; half the Top 14 and a total of no less than nine of the 22 best players in the world rankings to the double city.
"We not only have perfect conditions due to the arena, but also in terms of sport," TTBL Managing Director Nico Stehle proudly stated: "We are certainly the strongest league in Europe and probably also in the world, and in the constellation of the Liebherr Final Four we can look forward to a unique treat and a table tennis festival."
Last but not least, the local heroes Neu-Ulm and Ochsenhausen will turn the final round into a festival. Due to their derby in the Habfinal, it is already certain that a team from the region will also be batting in the final for the first title of the season in Germany.
Neu-Ulm: "Everyone has a home game - except us".
Neu-Ulm's chairman Florian Ebner can hardly wait for the Final Four premiere of his star ensemble. "Such a tournament in your own city is already something special. I will enjoy the day and soak up the atmosphere," said the media manager. In the box, however, Ebner sees his club in the role of co-favorites only with reservations due to an exclusive view: "All the other teams have been there before and know the hall, but we don't yet. That's why everyone else has a home game except us."
For Ochsenhausen's president Kristijan Pejinovic, all debates about advantages and disadvantages are invalid in view of the exquisite starting field "in the front yard" of Biberach. "Such a cup final has not been seen in recent years, the quality is getting higher and higher," said the maker of the four-time cup winner: "The spectators can look forward to something unique."
Spectator record wobbles
However, the visitors themselves can also ensure a unique mark, as Stehle pointed out: "Our spectator record from 2020, the last year before the Corona restrictions, stands at 4600 spectators. In the pre-sale for this final, fans have already bought 3000 tickets, and so we are currently above the interim mark from the record year."
From Stehle's point of view, the high demand fits in with the considerably increased importance of the event in recent years: "The enthusiasm for the cup final secures the location. Just as in soccer everyone wants to go to the Cup Final in Berlin, every player in the TTBL wants to go to the Final Four," Stehle explained with the empathy of a former professional.
However, the great importance of the final round is not least due to grown partnerships in the surrounding area. "Such a high-quality event," Stehle emphasized in front of a celebrity double with the two mayors as well as TTF player Can Akkuzu and Neu-Ulms coach Dmitrij Mazunov, "would not be possible without sponsors such as our long-standing title sponsor Liebherr or many local partners, who all really live their support for the Final Four."
The Liebherr Cup Final in overview
Semifinals, starting at 11 a.m.:
1. FC Saarbrücken-TT - Borussia Düsseldorf
TTC Neu-Ulm - TTF LIebherr Ochsenhausen
Final afterwards:
Winner Semifinals 1 – Winner Semifinals 2