Dimitrij Ovtcharov (TTC Neu-Ulm): "We changed the line-up again and again".

Dimitrij Ovtcharov made important contributions to his club's first ever title win at the Liebherr Pokal final for TTC Neu-Ulm a few months after his return to the Tischtennis Bundesliga (TTBL) by winning both his singles matches in the semifinals and the final. Here he explains how he experienced the event.
Dimtritrij Ovtcharov, what feeling moves you after the cup victory with TTC Neu-Ulm?
We are all very happy that we have won the first title for our club. I am very proud of our team and the boys.
In the semifinals against TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen you had big problems in your match against Can Akkuzu, in the final against Borussia Düsseldorf you almost overran European champion Dang Qiu in places. How were you able to improve so much in such a short time?
I tried to take the positive that I won against Akkuzu despite a poor performance. Because of my confidence, it's often enough for me to win even if I don't play well. But I didn't feel comfortable at all and the timing wasn't right at all, it was also loud and for me unusually busy due to the two tables in the hall. In the first match, I really didn't find my game.
What made the difference then?
I know Dang Qiu well from training, so it was clear to me that I could go one better, even though Dang is naturally a bit stronger. That's why I believed in myself, and the 2-0 lead of my teammates made it a little easier to play. On the other hand, I would have liked to see myself in the doubles after so many years.
That could have actually happened. Why did your team decide on this lineup for the final?
We kept changing the lineup until shortly before the match because we didn't know how to play - but then we told ourselves that we had to remember our own strengths. In doubles I would definitely have had to rely on my partner.
How much did the high pressure of expectations make itself felt in your team?
Of course we felt the pressure, but we also put it on ourselves because we wanted to win the title. But we went into this game with the assessment that our chances were 50:50 at best. But we set it up so that we could take a 1-0 lead if possible.
What plan was the basis for the final set-up?
We kept changing the lineup shortly before the game because we didn't know how we were going to play - but then we told ourselves that we had to play to our own strengths.
What does the Cup victory mean to you personally?
I'm totally happy, because in the twelve years in Orenburg a certain routine has developed over time, that with the successes in the Russian championship and in the Champions League also built self-confidence, on which you could build again for new successes. Now three world-class players have joined the club in Neu-Ulm, and expectations were very high. That's why we were all very excited beforehand.