Benedikt Duda plays for TTC Schwalbe Bergneustadt for another two years

TTC Schwalbe Bergneustadt is delighted to announce that Benedikt Duda, currently number 46 in the world rankings, has extended his contract, which expires in June 2024, by a further two years.
The Bergneustadt native remains loyal to TTC Schwalbe and is entering his tenth and eleventh Bundesliga season with the Schwalben. Benedikt Duda, who started playing table tennis at TTC Schwalbe Bergneustadt in 2004 and learnt his trade there from a young age, is unique in today's professional world. TTC Schwalbe Bergneustadt has thus signed its first contract extension.
Source: Press release TTC Schwalbe Bergneustadt
Featured image above: Benedikt Duda (Photo: TTC Schwalbe Bergneustadt)